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The Butterfly what does it have to do with you?


The Butterfly Effect is a metaphor for the way the tiniest movement (of a butterfly wing, for example) can trigger a massive cascade of change far from its original source. So who's the butterfly? Why YOU, of course!


At some point in our lives, we’ve all probably heard of ‘The Butterfly Effect’: but what does it actually mea

n? Most of us already know that the butterfly is often used as a symbol of transformation due to its ‘caterpillar-to-gorgeous-technicolour-creature’ life cycle. In this case, however, it’s a metaphor to describe quantum chaos theory, in which everything is connected, and the tiniest movement in one part of the field can cause a massive super-reaction elsewhere.


It’s also sometimes compared to ‘The 100th Monkey” syndrome; which describes the tipping point of consciousness that is triggered when a certain number of animals/humans/whatever all begin to live by a new code of information- which then randomly jumps to other regions of the world not even connected to the original. Look it up! it’s fascinating.


I’m bringing this topic up because of the sheer overwhelm that most of us are likely to be feeling right now. The ‘what on earth can I do??’ helplessness that often comes up in response to external and often highly troubling events. Oh, and we are also plumb in the middle of the heightened energetics of a powerful Eclipse season, with the totality of a Solar Eclipse in Aries set to sweep over the USA on the 8th April, forming an X-marks-the-spot cross over Texas, where the previous Eclipse path fell in 2017.


The energy of Aries, astrologically speaking, may give you the courage to stick your neck out, screw your courage to the mast, and adventurously seek out your greatest desires and purpose. The Eclipse, on the other hand, says ‘expect the unexpected.’ Fate and Destiny seem to have joined hands this year.


Meanwhile, much has been invested in the public realm in keeping us in the lower vibration of fear (False Evidence Appearing Real), possibly because bad news sells well. But remaining in that state is universally disempowering, and people who are fearful are certainly far more easy to manipulate.


But here’s the thing: just as it is said that the flap of a butterfly wing on one side of the world can trigger a hurricane on the other, each tiny, incremental move you make to improve your positivity and wellbeing is going to tug on that sacred web of life, potentially amplifying your actions out of all proportion to the original act, for the greater good of all....(read on.../)

Many years ago, David Hawkins created a map of a  ‘scale of consciousness’ that he was able to relate to different stages of personal and planetary evolution. Find out more here:


Collectively, humanity has endured Shame, Guilt, Desire, Anger, and Pride; each being a moderate step up the scale from the last. Lifting yourself into the next stage - the vibration of Courage - allows you to feel that you have some measure of power and control that you can draw on to continue progressing on the path of spiritual evolution. It’s generally an upward trajectory from there.


That degree of power and control is always available, of course, though it is difficult to see it when we are wrapped up in fear and worry. The quickest way to attain it - even if only for a short time - is to step into a state of divine neutrality, when you cease judging yourself and others for long enough to break out the keys to your personal empowerment.


I often like to talk about divine neutrality during my gong sessions. Getting into this state allows you to access all the positive emotions, stepping over the negative ones that bring you down. And the great thing is, when you choose to inhabit this state (especially on a regular basis), YOU FEED YOUR POSITIVITY DIRECTLY INTO THE WEB OF LIFE.


And this is where it gets REALLY exciting, because that is the moment YOU become that butterfly - the one that flaps its wings and causes excitation in the web of all that exists.


My quantum gong sessions and guided meditations are all dedicated to this principle in one form or another, no matter what theme I might choose. This means that every time you come, even when you think you are just doing yourself a favour by investing in your own wellbeing, you are actually amplifying and activating the consciousness of all of humanity. For me, this is enormously encouraging and liberating.


The best part of it is that, in order to achieve the above, you only have to is to turn up, lie down, and chill out! And buy a ticket, obvs.



Alicia xx


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